WordPress: Promotion Slider
Here is a quick and easy way to control the front page slider in a WordPress Installation.
Download and install the WordPress installation Promotion Slider from this link. You can also search and install it from inside your WordPress administration backend.
Create a Category for your slider in the backend by signing into your WordPress backend and selecting “Promotions” | “Categories”, Typing a new name in the name slot and clicking “Add New Category”. In this Demo I have created the Category “Home Featured Slider”
After that you can add the following code to your theme file to display the slider in whatever location you want (Remember to change the width and height to the proper dementions for your theme):
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<!-- Slider: Home Page --> <div class="slider" style="width:945px; height:330px; margin:0 auto;"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[promoslider category="Home Featured Slider" width="945px" height="330px" pause_on_hover="pause" display_nav="none"]'); ?> </div> |
Alternatively you can place the following shortcode into your pages or posts:
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<div class="slider" style="width:945px; height:330px; margin:0 auto;"> [promoslider category="Home Featured Slider" width="945px" height="330px" pause_on_hover="pause" display_nav="none"] </div> |
Once you have addded the location for your slider you can populate it with as many images as you want by signing into your WordPress backend and selecting “Promotions” | “Add New Promotion”, Adding a title and setting your slider image as the featured image.
Note: Within this same page you can set the destination URL or deactivate the destination URL for that current slide.
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